Senior Software Engineer at Baidu AI Cloud
Letian Zhang is responsible for serverless platforms of Baidu AI Cloud, leading the development of Cloud Function Computing and Cloud Backend Development product, providing both FaaS and BaaS solutions to internal and external customers. He also has been active in the cloud native and serverless community. Before that, he was deeply involved in front-end and back-end development of several mobile product of Baidu.
The rise of serverless brings us more inspiration about Internet of Everything, from personal mobile devices to smart home, smart speakers, even intelligent connected vehicles. Actually, custom skills on smart speakers are definitely early adopters to serverless. How is the development experience different today as smart speakers move from screenless to screened, and the serverless ecosystem flourishes? And are there any other interesting cases leveraged by serverless? This talk will introduce the practice of developing a custom skill for screened smart speakers, as well as processing and representing data captured from remote devices.